here's the thing. I had a shower the other day, but the heater turned itself off! It's an electrically heated shower, last time this happened we thought the temperature sensor tripped because the water was too hot because of the weather. In that instance I switched off power to the shower, switched it back on and bingo, it worked.
This time it didn't.
So we turned of the electricity to the house and uncovered the box that provides the electricity to the shower. What we found was a melted red wire that had also melted a tiny bit of the white plastic casing of where it was wired into the power box!
So we've turned the power to the shower heater off.
Help!!!! Is this one of those situations where you have to get an electrician out to fix it, or can we do it ourselves, if so where's the best place to get the wire we need?
Many thanks
here's the thing. I had a shower the other day, but the heater turned itself off! It's an electrically heated shower, last time this happened we thought the temperature sensor tripped because the water was too hot because of the weather. In that instance I switched off power to the shower, switched it back on and bingo, it worked.
This time it didn't.
So we turned of the electricity to the house and uncovered the box that provides the electricity to the shower. What we found was a melted red wire that had also melted a tiny bit of the white plastic casing of where it was wired into the power box!
So we've turned the power to the shower heater off.
Help!!!! Is this one of those situations where you have to get an electrician out to fix it, or can we do it ourselves, if so where's the best place to get the wire we need?
Many thanks