Electric shower fault

15 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
Wonder if anyone can offer any advice - we have a Mira Sport electric shower which has been running fine for over 8 years.

In the last week, we have a problem with the temperature of the water. We have to turn the temperature control up to maximum (which we've never had to before as normally halfway is more than hot enough) and even then the water is only slightly warm.

Does this sound like something that could be repaired ? Generally everyone we've spoken to seems to think the shower has had it and we need to get a new one - but as we're looking at £200 + for the same type we'd rather avoid it if we can!

Also if anyone has a rough guide how much we'd pay someone to repair it that would also be great.

Many Thanks

Helen Smith
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It's most likely due to the spell of very cold weather.

The incoming mains water to your home will be several degrees colder and need more heat to get it up to the temperature you require. You will no doubt find it will be OK again a few days after the weather improves and the temperature of the incommimg water warms up a bit.
Hmm - has it really never been as cold as this in the North East at any time in the lst 8 years?
Perhaps not for such an extended time. Because of the huge volumes involved, I would imagine it takes quite some time for the mains water supply to cool and then warm a few degrees. A a couple of days might not be enough. Time will tell, I wonder if the OP can wait until June?
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I don't know about that, but a quick Google shows several shower manufacturers say that a change in water temperature occurs according to the weather.

Saunier Duval even suggest figures and say here, (item 4 (c)) that the incomming mains water temperature can be between 4 to 15 degrees C resulting in a corresponding reduction in hot water temperature in cold weather (OK it's a combi not a shower but the principle's the same)
If the water is only 'slightly warm' when on full power, I would be suspecting a fault with the heating can. You won't know for sure without either testing the impedance and insulation resistance of the elements or using a clamp meter on the supply while the shower is running.
I don't know about that, but a quick Google shows several shower manufacturers say that a change in water temperature occurs according to the weather.
Indeed it does - I just don't think that the OP would not have experienced winter water temperatures in the last 8 years, or that the water temperature now is so much colder than in any of the previous 8 years as to make the shower output temperature significantly cooler than in any of the previous 8 years.
Thanks all for the replies.

I suspect it is more than just the weather as it's been fine for the last few weeks when the temperature has been colder, and it significantly changed from when we had a shower in the morning to the evening. It was absolutely fine in the morning yet freezing cold on the same temperature setting that night and since then.

Is the expense of getting it checked and possibly parts replaced worth it as opposed to buying a new shower for about £170 ?? We are putting the house on the market in a few months so want to go for the cheapest option to get the shower working again.
A seller with a mean and cynical disposition would buy a new shower, keep the old one and swap them back before leaving, taking the new one with.

Good on you for not being such a person.

I take it that you've checked all the electrical connections at the CU, the isolation switch if you have one, and inside the shower? If one has come loose then not only could it explain the problem it could also start a fire....

As for relative costs - check out the price for a replacement heater and decide if it's worth the gamble. If you're thinking of paying someone to come out and do the repair it would probably be cheaper for you to replace the shower.
The showers had a good innings. Buy a new one. Seasonal variations in mains water temp DO affect showers, but not to this extent. All showers can cope with this variation. My shower can operate at level 3 in summer, level 7 in winter. Still plenty of pressure.

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