Electrical images

6 Mar 2004
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United Kingdom
My first point to raise is the need for a local secure server to place our images on. I.E something for members. We have now seen and indeed have learned the lesson of relying on others. Some of us still use image hosting servers and services of this kind.

Others use their own servers and whilst this is good, what about if they move on, the images may get lost. It makes forum boards look really ugly and we need to do something about it.

I have 35 electrical images that i can place upon one of my servers. I would be willing to give some body like breezer, plugwash, moderator and or secursparks a secure link to this images to download from me and then i'll take them off.

This still in itself doesn't rectify the situation about relying on others for image hosting.
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the trouble is there are copyright issues in this

its fine for images produced by forum members to upload stuff themselves but copying it without permission may be illigal (im not sure what the exact provisions are on this)
It didn't look to me that any of the images were copied, nor did i see a disclaimer to this effect. i take your point though we do have to be careful. Some of the diagrams that i have probably haven't been seen before, some probably have.
with posting in the for reference thread we have not actually made a copy of the image
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Yes exactly... I see what you are saying. I still think that we should have our own secure image uploading area though. I've noticed a few people drawing thier own images, i've even done a couple, within a short space of time we would have quite a few images and they would be here to stay.

What do you think

My Original Image.

Useful image of a RCD and MCB add on when someone wants to add an extra RCD protected circuit, perhaps to a Garage, or even as in my case, add RCD protection to the Kitchen/Lounge ring mains.
the pic is a bit big, and i am not sure that is what hey are looking for.

i think this one is better :LOL:


but as i said dont be surprised if these both "dissapear"
I've just sent all my pics to [email protected] hopefully they will put them on the server, but for me it's a long drawn out deal.

Have we heard anything from diydick yet as to whether we can have his pics
The only email address I had was a DiyDick one, so NBG.

I got the guy's postal address, and wrote a letter - it was posted on Saturday, so no response yet.
No - what's listed is the person who registered the domain - not the actual end-user that was paying them for it, and it's his name and address that the domain registrar provided to me.

Probably in contravention of the Data Protection Act....

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