Hi, I have an old epson printer (RX585) that failed to power up, just a single blink of the LED when trying.
So I took it to bits to get to the power supply unit and checked for output and it gave the 42V DC it should have. No sign of bulging caps or overheated components so put it back together thinking maybe the mainboard was dead. But for the hell of it tried turning it on and voila it came on! - Nothing had been changed. Printed test sheets OK to.
So I turned it off to put it back in its usual place but found it was back to the same no power up state. The same single blink from the power LED, nothing more. I have looked over the mainboard and could not see anything physically wrong looking. The power supply is still 42V as it should be, the only other circuit boards are on the back of the front panel where the on/off switch LCD and buttons are. Any ideas of what to try next?
While it gives the 42V it should from the power supply board, could it still be an issue?
I once had a PC with a similar start up problem and it was just bad caps on the motherboard and easily fixed. Unfortunately with no sign of any bad caps on this main board I am stumped.
I am wondering what electronics latch on to the power supply when it is turned on.
So I took it to bits to get to the power supply unit and checked for output and it gave the 42V DC it should have. No sign of bulging caps or overheated components so put it back together thinking maybe the mainboard was dead. But for the hell of it tried turning it on and voila it came on! - Nothing had been changed. Printed test sheets OK to.
So I turned it off to put it back in its usual place but found it was back to the same no power up state. The same single blink from the power LED, nothing more. I have looked over the mainboard and could not see anything physically wrong looking. The power supply is still 42V as it should be, the only other circuit boards are on the back of the front panel where the on/off switch LCD and buttons are. Any ideas of what to try next?
While it gives the 42V it should from the power supply board, could it still be an issue?
I once had a PC with a similar start up problem and it was just bad caps on the motherboard and easily fixed. Unfortunately with no sign of any bad caps on this main board I am stumped.
I am wondering what electronics latch on to the power supply when it is turned on.