Embrace the Insanity

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"When a man votes for a woman he transitions into a woman."
When a man votes for trump he becomes a racist redneck...

And when a woman does the same, the outcome is the same...

There's equality for you ;)
Hilarious. Is he a comedian?

Jesse Watters is his name if anyone else enjoys his shows.

Notice his Trumpian hand movements.
To be fair, the UK does its best to embrace the insanity...

...but America has taken it to the next level.
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At least she was shown the way out by a friend. :giggle:

And those dogs at Pentonville Prison must be high flyers to deter drones. :D
Lizzie's a lightweight compared to most Republicans...

...such as Mitt Romney who mangled his syntax with this patriotic gem back in 2012: ''I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love.''

or Pat Robertson's opinion on Feminism: ''The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.''

Michelle Bachman's confusion during a debate on climate change made me wonder how they get up in the morning without referring to an instruction manual: ''Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.''

And Rush Limbaugh's bright idea to reduce nuclear weapons bears scrutiny: ''The only way to reduce the number of nuclear weapons is to use them.''

Mad as a bucket of frogs, the lot of 'em.
The first minute or so of this interview with the one time 2012 front runner is hilarious.

The first minute or so of this interview with the one time 2012 front runner is hilarious.

It reminds me of Sarah Palin:
"I know all about Russia, I can see it from my garden"
Fake News alert!!

But it's not far off the truth.
Democrats have called Trump all sorts of things in the last eight years: criminal, unhinged, liar-in-chief, crazy...but it's just weird that the one that's rattled him the most is "weird". Another good indicator how rattled the GoP is since Kamala took over the race from Biden.
The quote below is possibly the reason why Harris eventually chose her running mate...

During an appearance by Tim Walz on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the governor lamented, “We do not like what has happened, when you can’t even go to Thanksgiving dinner with your uncle because you end up in some weird fight that is unnecessary … Well, it’s true. These guys are just weird.”

Trump is one of those guys who can pick a fight in an empty room and always rambles around any issue in ever decreasing circles, disappearing in an incoherent fog of befuddled confusion. Everyone knows or is related to such a character.
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