thats me done my first week as plumbing/gas lecturer at college, went very well, worked 32hrs, (taught for 23, prepared for 9) swapped about 2 classes with another lecturer, 1st one was pre apprentices who did a few weeks of 3 trades then chose plumbing, hopefully the college and partnership firms will be able to sort out apprenticships for as many as possible, 2nd class were adult trainees who are funding the course themselves from redundancy all from the same place, and some bursary help. showed both groups basic pipe bending, sanitary ware installation and worked towards fitting out 2 sets of new bays, both groups obviously had different outlooks and experience but both groups done very well, these groups will be mine for a few weeks till i find my feet then i will integrate into the gas reassessments and apprentice classes so i'm very happy with how its going and hope it all works out well, i have enjoyed going back to basics and reminding myself how to bend copper saddles properly etc