What a thrashing we gave the Ozzies. It could have been so different if we had not hung on for that lucky draw in the first test. Well done lads!
Have you been watching a different channel.. It could have been so different if we had not hung on for that lucky draw in the first test.
I have to agree with noseall.
The English cricket team dug deep.
Not only have they broke several records down under, they have shown how to PLAY the game of cricket in various conditions - something which the Aussies can not do.
Whilst complacency seemed to be the Aussies downfall, they would have retained the Ashes had they not played an English team full of talent, will to win and sheer determination.
Mr. W.
What is a classic Aussie 11 then?
Mr. W.
When they have appeared on the screen, never heard of any of them, apart from a claim, from a former captain/teammate; They couldn't have won if I didn't resign as Captain..what a statement! What a cock! That's even worse than Andrew Flintoff, or 'Freddie', why has he two names? Being a cock last time round.
Does anyone care about a cricket match being played in the late hours, that nobody watches, to win a 3 cm tall urn full of ashes? That origionalted from an act of anger?
When they have appeared on the screen, never heard of any of them, apart from a claim, from a former captain/teammate; They couldn't have won if I didn't resign as Captain..what a statement! What a cock! That's even worse than Andrew Flintoff, or 'Freddie', why has he two names? Being a cock last time round.
Does anyone care about a cricket match being played in the late hours, that nobody watches, to win a 3 cm tall urn full of ashes? That origionalted from an act of anger?![]()