Epson Printer Problem

14 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi All,
I have an Epson XP-530 printer which I have used for a couple of years without problem, but for some reason this problem has recently cropped up.
It will only print 2 sided documents 'flipping by short edge' only.
I have set windows printer default and also document printer properties and all are set to 'flip at long edge', but the prints are still coming out 'flipped by short edge'.
I have tried ......switching printer off/on, reverted printer setttings to default, reconnected to wifi.....but still not printing correctly.
Any thoughts?
Cheers All
Doug :(
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As above, this isn't a function the printer itself performs - it is a function of the printer driver.
Try a full reinstall of the driver - sometimes a rogue Windows update may upset a perfectly working system.
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All sorted - cheers guys - re-installed everything. I was a bit worried as last week the printer stopped working because the 'waste tank' was full!!
Fortunately I found details on You Tube on how to get over that particular problem.