EV are they worth it?

Rubbish. I'd sooner support mandatory smoking.

Yes, agree, because doing so is as ridiculous as banning smoking in the open air. The zealots can't stop salivating when they hear about banning others' freedoms - eg. the right to own ICEs or smoke outdoors. Their leader Keir Stalin says jump, they say "how high?"

My local has no gargen, only a small smoking deck area out the back. It is used only by smokers - no one else goes there because it's not really the sort of place you would want to loiter, especially in cooler months, being outside the gents toilets. So when Stalin gets his way, this smoking deck will be completely unused and the pub will likely lose a few paying customers who are vital to it's survival. So what happens to this area? Will it become a no smoking deck, where the ban everything zealot idiots will suddenly flock to this pub to go and take in a pint and lung fulls of fresh air? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Yes, but climate change and net zero allows them to take it to a different level. Our energy bills are now loaded and the prices have multiplied several times in the last 25 years. Every new 'green' initiative by governments means more costs for us. Someone somewhere is getting wealthy from all this.

Someone somewhere has been getting very wealthy from fossil fuels, for decades.

BP - by no means the biggest - has been making a billion or more a month in profits for years.

And you think "green" is costing you? (y)
Mobility scooter?
Non-electric version of these to save all the faffing around. Small enough to go in a town house garage. Fast enough for motorway. Good for grocery and run around. Small enough to do a quick ninja unpaid parking. 3 wheels means no need to swerve or fall over.

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Non-electric version of these to save all the faffing around.

The battery mobility, does all I need for local. Then the diesel for anything else. I've had lots of motorbikes in my time, even a 3-wheeler car at one time. The problem with bikes, is they are near as expensive as a car to run. Great for entertainment, but not very practical, or cheap.

The mobility scooter, is simple, not much to go wrong, charges in an hour or two after use. It's a Class II, bought originally for my deceased partner, who made almost no use of it. I used it briefly, out of curiosity, then promptly forgot about it, before resurrecting it a few months ago, by when it needed new batteries. Since when, it's been in fairly regular use by me. It lacks suspension, not really allowed on the road - but some local roads lack footpaths, so I take my chances on the road. I've been so impressed with its usefulness, I have been considering buying a better one, a Class III. Class I is limited to 4mph, Class I to 6mph, Class III 8mph, all three can go on the footpath, only III on the road. III needs to be registered (free), and have lights, indicators etc. There is a III, which can be reset, to go at 16mph, which I had my eye on.