Everybody is nice

15 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
Everybody in the whole world is nice, there are no bad guys and everybody is nice to each other..there are no problems between my fellow man, my last four posting that deleted was stories invented .... cant see a reason to delete this one :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Islaam. The religion offended by everything. That should do it.
Oh no LMB is not nice :eek: :eek: :eek: and you wont get a membership into the nice club... now go onto another forum where they are not nice
Thanks for being so nice, I return the niceness.

Cheers derryboy... hope nobody says the dreaded letter ... don't ask whitespirit

No, strangely, I woke up this morning how nice things are. They're becoming nicer every day and it's so nice. Can't remember it ever being so nice and the future isn't orange - it's nice.

To quote Sqt Wilson from Dad's Army (such a nice fellow) - "It's awfully nice"

It seems Norcon's not... and he's a religious nutter !!!

He has faith. You don't. Live and let live eh. No need for that comment. No wonder he argues with you.

Who are you to judge? I have faith in science and a balanced human nature and nuture. And a desire to try and help our human race and this planet last a lot longer than I do.

Whereas you feel the need to follow me, and badger me about fishing and find out my first name, and presumably my twitter password and add lots of followers maybe? Could that be you?

Whatever your remit dumya... steer clear of me, you attention isn't required.
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