sooner ....?
has anyone seen the new US HIT Series ..
it deals with the progression of the genome gene .....
forcing a few to be borne with special powers (think xmen, but real world lifes )
Are we due a jump on the evolusion ladder .. ???????????????
I know this type of question I ask on a sun as a ...phisoloh...philologica...Good Mental question (lol) for the thinkers here .....
Are we due a Evolution style super hero type jump or plod on ...???
has anyone seen the new US HIT Series ..
it deals with the progression of the genome gene .....
forcing a few to be borne with special powers (think xmen, but real world lifes )
Are we due a jump on the evolusion ladder .. ???????????????
I know this type of question I ask on a sun as a ...phisoloh...philologica...Good Mental question (lol) for the thinkers here .....
Are we due a Evolution style super hero type jump or plod on ...???