Extension matching existing material under pp

17 Jan 2015
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United Kingdom
We just got planning permission on our part first and part second storey extension and various other work on the house. Material etc are to match existing. We have white rendered pebble dash.

I've decided I now want a brick exposed extension for the ground floor and happy to leave the existing first floor and part second storey as white smooth rendered. Is this acceptable or does it require a minor amendment to be submitted?

Also I liked the idea of smooth rendered houses in white before until I saw some rendered houses that looked patchy in colour when you came up close. Is this typical?
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Well seeing as there's no time limit by when you must finish the extension you could take decades to complete it so you can do brick and then if they ever were to query it (they won't) you can legitimately say you will have it rendered when funds permit! :p
hmmm...soundsa bit fishy. is it really as easy as that. Couldn't they impose some sort of direction that it needs to be complied within a certain time i.e. 6 months? Failing that if the extension work is all finished to a "finished standard" compared to a "work in progress" standard, they will cotton on to the fact that I have no intention to finish it and will almost certainly then press for a completion date.

Otherwise people would develop the kind of extension that they really want rather than what was approved, on the grounds that they could not afford it and will "get round to finishing it off when they can afford it", I would have thought?

But technically speaking, when they refer to existing materials, does facing brick v render count as not the same material?

They'd probably want to know why you'd used expensive face brick rather than block when it is supposed to be rendered anyway but there is no time limit on finishing a build and plenty of excuses for the brick

Sounds like you're the sort who will sleep better at night having been steamrollered by the system rather than sticking two fingers up at it, so write them an email detailing your change and ask them if it is within the scope of a a non material amendment. If they say it is, then just crack on with doing it, don't even bother to apply, as they have confirmed in writing that there are no planning considerations for them to assess. If they insist on it being a minor material amend, then apply for one. Main thing is you have permission to crack on and do the building part while all this admin winds its way slowly through the system
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Why have you used brickwork? Because I can't afford to render it just yet. Now go away you annoying little twerp there's nothing whatsoever you can do about it.

What is the process for putting in a minor amendment, am I required to go via my architect who submitted the application or can I do this via a letter to the council? How long would it normally take for them to make a decision? FYI we were granted planning permission for various house alterations and extensions.

Generally speaking would the following count for a minor amendment:

1. brick facing v rendered extension
2. Flat roof lights on the crown roof of the new loft extension
3. New side window which faces a neighbours fence 0.5m away from my converted garage (with obscure glass)
4. decorative ridge tiles (double crested) together with a finial at the ends

You could probably get away with that as a Minor Amendment (it depends on what the local authority are like) You could do a minor amendment, or variation of condition to vary the plan number, with your new plan with the amendments on, but there is a couple of hundred pound fee to that though.

You can have a free resubmission if the decision date of your approval is within the last year. I would just put it in as a resubmission with all the relevant details in.

In either case there shouldn't be a requirement to go through an architect again.
I spoke to the council last week.
They said that if I wanted to change to bricks form rendered, then I would need to apply for a variation of condition and not an amendment (cost £180). The said that as its a condition that it has to match the existing materials, any breach of an existing condition would result in enforcement action which would stipulate that I would need to have it rendered within a certain time.

Does a breach of condition render something enforceable with a time limit to comply with that direction?
You've been given plenty of good advice already in this thread, there's no point giving any more when you ignore what's been said previously.
You can have a free resubmission if the decision date of your approval is within the last year. I would just put it in as a resubmission with all the relevant details in.

In either case there shouldn't be a requirement to go through an architect again.

Is the resubmission possible or even free if the work has already been completed with the changes that would otherwise be considered a breach of the planning conditions?

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