OK so I got screwed by a builder a while back and have had to learn to do a lot myself and yes I have made just as many mistakes!
So I am looking to get the outside of the house done as we come to the end of the project.
My neighbour has some form of cement board, which has been dabbed and dotted on and then rendered over, given a nice finish and I want to match it.
I am assuming this is cement board with some bonding agent on the back.
I need help with a couple of things;
1: What would be a good board to use?
2: What would be a good bonding agent to use?
3: How do I go around windows and doors?
So I am looking to get the outside of the house done as we come to the end of the project.
My neighbour has some form of cement board, which has been dabbed and dotted on and then rendered over, given a nice finish and I want to match it.
I am assuming this is cement board with some bonding agent on the back.
I need help with a couple of things;
1: What would be a good board to use?
2: What would be a good bonding agent to use?
3: How do I go around windows and doors?