Extra search links


Staff member
17 Aug 2001
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Further to the re-launch of the forum search a few weeks ago, we have just added some extra links to make searching more accessible.

When you are viewing a forum there is an extra link at the top which will perform a search in only the forum you are viewing:

There is also a link when viewing a topic at the top and bottom which will restrict the search to that topic only:

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How do I get the search to look only for the word(s) I've specified, rather than all the possible variations of them?
I'm not sure I follow, I presume you don't mean an exact phrase? Do you have an example?
I think he means an exact phrase. It actually doesn't work as exact phrase. If you try searching for "tile" for example in the exact phrase field, it results in finding "tiling", "tiles", etc as well.
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I see. There is no way to deselect this at present, it is built into the index rather than something that happens at query time. I'll look into a way of making this an option and let you know.