Facebook helps crooks

15 Nov 2005
Reaction score
Cook Islands
I got a scam advert recently, from someone offering counterfeits.

chrome_screenshot_3 Jun 2024 09_39_20 BST.png
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Here's another. Nothing wrong with that, say Facebook.

chrome_screenshot_2 May 2024 13_10_37 BST.png
Funnily enough I watched a tv doc on Mark Z the other night. One ex employee (whistleblower) told the story of a time when FB had been pulled up for something, probably related to data privacy however the specifics escape me. So 30 odd SMEs spent a few weeks drafting a new policy around this. On presenting the draft the Mark, he had a quick flick through and essentially said 'this isn't a good policy, I'll draft one over the weekend.'

The point of her story was the audacity of him i.e. suggesting he could draft a better policy over a weekend vs a policy that multiple SMEs had worked on over weeks.

There again, maybe he did!
Agree with John. That's a disgrace. Facebook has some real positives but equally can be a cesspit of crime and exploitation. The bleating on about the cost of moderation and the profits made smell of corporate greed at its worst. Companies have to make a profit but not at this cost.
I don't frequent any social sites, only this one. But I'd imagine they are an ideal rip off vehicle. All you need is a good reach and plenty of gullible morons. When you have a site populated by say Trump followers, anti-vaxxers, covid deniers and the like, then site owners and hawkers, will be rubbing their greedy hands with glee.
No one from Facebook has actually looked at those ads. They've just used a bot to review it, and the bot isn't sophisticated enough to recognise that the ads are illegal or scams.

Not good enough Facebook.
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Facebook marketplace is free so it attracts lots of sellers and buyers.

But IME if you use it to sell all you get is time wasters
They're no worse than gumtree (pfft) and the like, a few timewasters for sure, that said in the last 18 months I've sold well over £2K worth of stuff, I've bought a few things too, I've given away plenty of stuff that I would have otherwise have had to take to the dump or charity shop including an enormous dog kennel that required three people to lift.
Facebook marketplace is free so it attracts lots of sellers and buyers.

But IME if you use it to sell all you get is time wasters
Funny you should mention that I have just sold something on there that did not sell on a specialist site. Only second time I've used it first item did not sell so 50/50 for me.
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