We recently just installed a close coupled toilet with internal overflow. Over the last week we've noticed something a bit weird.
When we flush the toilet the water will settle at the level it's meant to be at in the pan. If we come back about an hour later the water level in the pan has dropped by about 2 inches to the point were sometimes its lower than the outlet on the pan where the waste dissapears when it's flushed.
On one occassion when I was on my knees inspecting this I could feel a breeze blowing up from inside the toilet but no smell associated with the sewer.
When this fall in water level happens there are no leaks in the area of the pan visible so I'm at a loss to understand where the water is going and what's causing it to drop in the first place
Any ideas on what could be happening or should I be worried about it turning into something bigger??
When we flush the toilet the water will settle at the level it's meant to be at in the pan. If we come back about an hour later the water level in the pan has dropped by about 2 inches to the point were sometimes its lower than the outlet on the pan where the waste dissapears when it's flushed.
On one occassion when I was on my knees inspecting this I could feel a breeze blowing up from inside the toilet but no smell associated with the sewer.
When this fall in water level happens there are no leaks in the area of the pan visible so I'm at a loss to understand where the water is going and what's causing it to drop in the first place
Any ideas on what could be happening or should I be worried about it turning into something bigger??