Fascinating Stuff!

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Watching this motorway police video from 1979.

Used to live in Stockport and go to school in Yorkshire so I remember the winters well. They were brutal.

One of them (I think winter 1981) was so bad, they were airlifting sheep from the fields. The railway tracks were blocked, the Woodhead was shut, as was the Snake and the M62. We had to stay at school until BR got snow ploughs through, then we could pile on the train with all our trunks and go home.

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My grandfather used to put two bags of chicken feed in the back of his Morris Minor Traveller to help get the grip for climbing t'big hill. Mind you, he saw much worse in the Big Freeze in 1963 and before that, in 1947. Breaking the ice in t'bucket to wash yer 'ands before breakfast made it sound to me like the fekkin' Dark Ages.
Had ice on the inside of our windows during the '81 freeze which was no incentive to go out on a Saturday morning for footie...but we went anyways. It was one way to keep warm.
My grandfather used to put two bags of chicken feed in the back of his Morris Minor Traveller to help get the grip for climbing t'big hill. Mind you, he saw much worse in the Big Freeze in 1963 and before that, in 1947. Breaking the ice in t'bucket to wash yer 'ands before breakfast made it sound to me like the fekkin' Dark Ages.
Had ice on the inside of our windows during the '81 freeze which was no incentive to go out on a Saturday morning for footie...but we went anyways. It was one way to keep warm.
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Spent the 63 freeze living in a prefab, paraffin heater was wheeled from room to room