Alright so I've got a problem with a plug socket that my tumbledryer was plugged into.
Basically about 30 mins ago the power tripped out, thinking nothing of it I turned it back on just for it to trip again a few moments later...
That's when my Mum told me that the dryer wasn't working any more and that it smelt like burning from the socket, as she went to unplug it she said that it sparked before she'd even touched it?...
I didn't know if the plug or the dryer was at fault so I plugged my phone charger into the socket and that didn't work either, so I think it's the socket that's kaput...
I've done a quick google search and short circuit would be my bet from what I've read... But I'm very poor when it comes to electrics so I don't know.
It mentioned turning the power off at the board and unscrewing the cover to look for obvious damage but like I said my electrical skills are limited and I wouldn't trust myself around it to be honest.
I'm a bit worried incase there are any risks of fire, so I've turned the socket switches off at the wall, but is that enough?
Would it be best to keep the power off at the board until I get it sorted?
Any advice anyone?
Thank You!
Alright so I've got a problem with a plug socket that my tumbledryer was plugged into.
Basically about 30 mins ago the power tripped out, thinking nothing of it I turned it back on just for it to trip again a few moments later...
That's when my Mum told me that the dryer wasn't working any more and that it smelt like burning from the socket, as she went to unplug it she said that it sparked before she'd even touched it?...
I didn't know if the plug or the dryer was at fault so I plugged my phone charger into the socket and that didn't work either, so I think it's the socket that's kaput...
I've done a quick google search and short circuit would be my bet from what I've read... But I'm very poor when it comes to electrics so I don't know.
It mentioned turning the power off at the board and unscrewing the cover to look for obvious damage but like I said my electrical skills are limited and I wouldn't trust myself around it to be honest.
I'm a bit worried incase there are any risks of fire, so I've turned the socket switches off at the wall, but is that enough?
Would it be best to keep the power off at the board until I get it sorted?
Any advice anyone?
Thank You!