Favourite Radio Station?



I listen to the radio pretty much all the time rarely watching TV other than the odd programs cherry picked from the iPlayer.

I love 6music, an awesome statio; a rather eclectic listen boasting some real muso's as DJ's, I love it but if compromise is required due the the company of more mainstream tastes then I plump for Absolute (90's being the best).

What's your favourite station and why?
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Have none. No time to hear it. If I'm at work and jump into a machine with one blaring I usually turn it off.
Have none. No time to hear it. If I'm at work and jump into a machine with one blaring I usually turn it off.

It's funny, I like the radio on, especially when working and driving but I know others who hate it, horses for courses I guess. :D
Funny thing I noticed is that if you have the radio on whilst driving and get lost, first thing that everyone does is turn it off... how does that help?
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The best one used to be on sky (can't remember the name) but it had no DJ's, thats what spoils radio, inane waffle and mind numbing stories. These priks love the sound of their own voice that much they either talk over the end of the records or whistle/sing along when not wanted. Give me CD's/Ipod anyday.
Funny thing I noticed is that if you have the radio on whilst driving and get lost, first thing that everyone does is turn it off... how does that help?

Eddie, you are right and I have only noticed that I do it as you mentioned it... it is odd as if turning the radio off is going to help :D
Funny thing I noticed is that if you have the radio on whilst driving and get lost, first thing that everyone does is turn it off... how does that help?

I always have the radio/cd on when on a long journey but always turn it off when nearing my destination. It helps me find what I'm looking for :LOL: :LOL:
Listening to Heart at the moment waiting to hear someone win the 100 grand on 'Who's on Heart?'
Listening to Heart at the moment waiting to hear someone win the 100 grand on 'Who's on Heart?'

funny enough i listen to this mornings on the way to work,then as soon as im at work and can listen to a radio it has to be radio 2.
Talksport in the van and Planet Rock at home.

I used to love TalkRadio, then it became TalkSports which was ok as it was no sport after 10pm and now it's 100% sports... no way, I detest sport.

Really miss James Whale, Mike Dickin (RIP) and the rest, even the rabid lefty George Galloway... I'm so sad I often revisit them all on YouTube where there is a veritable mine of old TalkSprts/Radio shows.

I don't mind a bit of LBC occasionally, especially Ian Collins who I used to enjoy on TalkSport.

But sports radio... I'd rather listen to a lecture on racial prejudice from CoatHanger, actually that might be a slight exaggeration... :LOL:
6Music every time. The most eclectic, and best selection. Also, the DJs clearly have a passion for the music, unlike just about any other station I've heard.

From the most obscure, to some very well known, from punk to classical, they have it all.
6Music every time. The most eclectic, and best selection. Also, the DJs clearly have a passion for the music, unlike just about any other station I've heard.

From the most obscure, to some very well known, from punk to classical, they have it all.

I agree, but I find a lot of people don't like it because they can't handle the eclecticism which is a shame. :(
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