Filling parquet gaps

7 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Hi again !!!
Almost got the parquet done (at long last !!!!) just on the final leg. I must say it has taken a lot longer than expected but it was worth taking my time and not rushing it, I am sure the end results will look good.

I am now at the point of filling some small gaps between the block, the maximum gap is about 2mm. I am planning to use a hard wax oil to finish it off but need to know how best to fill the gaps?

1. Clear resin filler (like Lecol 7500) mixed with 2nd sanding
2. PVA mixed with 2nd sanding

I am getting told by several different companies to just use PVA whilst other say do not use it.

My concerns with the PVA method are:-

1. The oil will not soak into it
2. Because it will dry brittle it will crack

Any pointer would be greatly appreciated.


Paul :confused:
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Hi Paul

Get Lecol 7500 wood filler. It will 'dry-up the colour of the wood (if yiu mix it with the sand-dust of the floor), will take up the hardwaxoil without any problems (slight colour differences may appear in the beginning) and is very handy to work with.
Looks about the same stuff (different language on the tin;)) Description and instructions sound the same also.
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Thanks Wood You Like you have been a great help through all the stages. Nearly there now got a few cut rows to glue down tonight then its the sanding , filling and waxing. It seems to have taken for ever so I hope the end results are worth all the hard work... :LOL:

Thanks again


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