Fitted new circulation pump, can't seem get any flow

28 Feb 2010
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United Kingdom
My SMC pump,after 25 years service became very noisy (like the bearings were shot - squealing noise) so I thought I would fit a new one. Because the Union connectors were very tight - 24" stilsons would not budge it and I didn't want to disturb any joints in and around the HW Cylinder- I had to partially drain the system and fit the new pump, gate valves either side of pump were fine, surprisingly.

On filling the system I had the inevitable airlock problems and I have lost count how many times and methods - top down and bottom up - I have filled the system up and re-bled it.

When firing up the boiler it goes for about 4-5 mins then reaches temperature and cuts out. The pump is in the airing cupboard and next in the flow is the 3 port motorised valve. After about a further 4-5 mins with the pump still running the 22mm flow pipe into the HW cylinder gets nice and hot as you would expect. However, the return at the bottom of the coil coming out of the HW cylinder remains stone cold, as does the return into the top of the boiler. Classic signs of an airlock i would guess? I have done all the things like gently pumping mains water pressure in via the boiler drain valve, etc.

Today, my daugher's boyfriend and his dad who are both in the heating installation business both came to look and were equally baffled by this. His dad suggested that the new pump may be faulty or the heat exchanger in the boiler could be blocked. So we are going to try a different pump tomorrow to eliminate that. But if that is not the problem I'm not sure how to confirm if the fault is with the heat exchanger in the boiler and what can be done about it?

The boiler is a wall hung Thorn EMI Olympic 38/50B and although is 25 years old, I'm told is a good boiler, better than most modern ones, so I would be relutant to change it and besides it worked fine before I changed the pump.

The new pump I bought to replace the noisy one is a Wilo Gold RS60

I would very much welcome any feedback into this problem and how it might be sorted out.

Thanks in advance
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Yes, there is a bleed point just before the primary circuit goes in to the HW cylinder. I have bled loads of water from this, but it still does not seem to shift it.
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Yes, the rads don't get hot at all, execpt the small one in the shower room which is behind the airing cupboard. Althogh this takes about 30 mins of the pump running to heat up.
I reckon one of the pump valves has snapped nearly shut, blocking most of the flow.
sorry to ask such an obvious question but you sure the arrow on the pump body is pointing in the direction of flow ?
No that's fine, it's sometimes the obvious things that get overlooked. And yes, the arrow on the pump points the same way as the original pump did, flowing up through the 3 port valve and into the top feed of the coil into the HW Cyl.
.............well, as I said, today was the day when my daughter's boyfriend and his dad came round to change the 'new' pump to see if that was at fault (process of elimination) . Well on doing this nothing changed, still no circulation round the primary circuit. Now bearing in mind my system is about 25 years old, my daughter's boyfriend said the pipework around the HW Cyl was a little basic and there was no 'bypass', balancing valve, etc., he suggested a few modifications which I agreed to.

Well in taking out some of the old pipework, the 15mm flow from F/E tank, where it Tee's into the 22mm, the culprit was found!!! or at least a contributing factor to the problem...... a 6 inch long piece of bamboo cane nicely blackened from a number of years stuck in the system. So along with a fair bit of sludge vacuumed out and a few up to date pipe mods, which I have to say the lad made a very neat and tidy job of, it's sooooo nice to have a warm house again. I don't think the rads have ever been so hot!!!! and of course the 'new pump' I originally fitted is gently purring away on No.1 speed doing a wonderful job!!!

So how did a 6 inch piece of bamboo cane get in there???? Hummmm, I have an idea, but that's another story..........

Thanks to those who responded


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