I intend to replace the flat (it has a fall from front to rear) roof on the garage, which is currently wriggly tin supported by metal tubes (yes that good a leaking bodge job!) with a fairly standard timber roof.
There is already a 'lip' on the side of the house at the correct fall, that is not currently used.
The dimensions are 3.2m x 5m - ! would wish to span the joists accross the 3.2m and use timber attached to the house wall one one side and supported by the garage wall on the other side, along with metal joist hangers and 18 mm chipboard on top.
My questions are two:
What would be the best choice of joist dimensions and spacing - I would wish to minimise roof depth.....
What is the best way to waterproof the roof and join it to the 'lip' )sorry I dont know the right word) on the house, as a DIY job. I am looking to achieve a 15 year plus solution!
thanks graham
I intend to replace the flat (it has a fall from front to rear) roof on the garage, which is currently wriggly tin supported by metal tubes (yes that good a leaking bodge job!) with a fairly standard timber roof.
There is already a 'lip' on the side of the house at the correct fall, that is not currently used.
The dimensions are 3.2m x 5m - ! would wish to span the joists accross the 3.2m and use timber attached to the house wall one one side and supported by the garage wall on the other side, along with metal joist hangers and 18 mm chipboard on top.
My questions are two:
What would be the best choice of joist dimensions and spacing - I would wish to minimise roof depth.....
What is the best way to waterproof the roof and join it to the 'lip' )sorry I dont know the right word) on the house, as a DIY job. I am looking to achieve a 15 year plus solution!
thanks graham