Is it the general idea or some notable points or some minute discrepancies?
incorrect building construction details such as no insulated cavity closers, door and window frame positions wrong in relation to vertical dpc, rwp with right angle bend,too many rwp and gutter clips ,2m high void ?,heights on section don't appear to correspond with heights on elevations,scale should correspond with figured dimensions,no guarding to stairs,guarding to deck appears too low.
-- on plan -hob next to door ,should be some workspace both sides of hob,door swing into shower room wrong- traps you in corner,how do you walk past wc - no space in front of wc ,pitch of stairs appears too steep ,tread and riser proportions !
door swing out on to landing space unacceptable, is it a rwp or svp on plan? one pipe connects to 2 inspection chambers or drain runs from manhole to pipe and out again to another inspection chamber ! new extension will require a rwp and svp , both can't connect to same drain unless it is a combined drainage system, double doors from ding opening out over new external door to kitchen not ideal, window position in wall on plan doesn't correspond with section and both wrong in relation to vertical dpc , new stairs elevation doesn't correspond with plan .Other things as mentioned by others already.
That's enough for now. You're fired.
ps 'Not sure, everything is drawn in model space 1:1 scale' - that is why proportions should be correct if information entered properly.
'If i'm under standing you comment correctly, the reason I have sectioned the roof is to make the inside of the Proposed Kitchen flush from the existing outer leaf to the new inner leaf blocks' - the drawing requires one section of the new extension through the existing rear wall of the existing house and one section through the rear wall of the new extension.