Hi all. I have a single garage at the back of my garden and the side of it is right on the border of my plot. There is an alleyway next to it which allows access to the rear gardens of a number of houses. I would like to change the roof from a flat to a pitched roof. As it’s within 2m of the boundary I am aware I will need planning permission for this.
The question I have is around an overhang for the guttering. i would need some way of managing rainwater but any guttering would overhang the pathway. Is there any simple way to avoid this and realistically am I likely to have any comeback for a gutter overhanging this area? I don’t have a clue who owns the pathway but don’t want to change the roof and have to put it back to a flat one.
The question I have is around an overhang for the guttering. i would need some way of managing rainwater but any guttering would overhang the pathway. Is there any simple way to avoid this and realistically am I likely to have any comeback for a gutter overhanging this area? I don’t have a clue who owns the pathway but don’t want to change the roof and have to put it back to a flat one.