customer had inherited this fire, prob only 2 years old, and i went to service it. No man instructions available so serviced to british standards.
What i did notice was that there was no air relief holes in the closure plate, (seemed to be the correct plate for fire) and it toiled to pass both flue flow and spillage to begin with,but did eventually after heating flue for 2 mins for flue flow and 10 mins full rate on spillage. Although passed i am still not totally happy and if any of you have any instructions or info on these fires/closure plates it would be most welcome, cheers
What i did notice was that there was no air relief holes in the closure plate, (seemed to be the correct plate for fire) and it toiled to pass both flue flow and spillage to begin with,but did eventually after heating flue for 2 mins for flue flow and 10 mins full rate on spillage. Although passed i am still not totally happy and if any of you have any instructions or info on these fires/closure plates it would be most welcome, cheers