Just refitted an old kitchen tap by paini model trixi. One of the flexi pipes was faulty so bought some new ones from screwfix which have a 12mm fitting at the tap end. Tried fitting the new flexi but the 12mm end was slightly too big and would not screw in, I then tried a spare set of flexi which had 10mm ends and these were way too loose. I'm thinking the original supplied flexi must be 11mm but no one seems to sell this size. Any ideas on a way around this?
Just refitted an old kitchen tap by paini model trixi. One of the flexi pipes was faulty so bought some new ones from screwfix which have a 12mm fitting at the tap end. Tried fitting the new flexi but the 12mm end was slightly too big and would not screw in, I then tried a spare set of flexi which had 10mm ends and these were way too loose. I'm thinking the original supplied flexi must be 11mm but no one seems to sell this size. Any ideas on a way around this?