Hi . I've a fiesta mk7 tdci titanium 2009 with automatic climate control.
From behind the dash is 2 clicking noises . One just behind the controls and one sounds further back .
It started the heating wouldn't come through the blowers at any force.
Just footwell. And was working on all settings (low to.high)
Now the fan goes for about a min then it dies to nothing . No noise apart from clicking sometimes.
When the car is switched off and restarted it sometimes comes on for 30 seconds .
I know I need a blend motor replacement for the circulation flaps but dont know why this has now happened .
From behind the dash is 2 clicking noises . One just behind the controls and one sounds further back .
It started the heating wouldn't come through the blowers at any force.
Just footwell. And was working on all settings (low to.high)
Now the fan goes for about a min then it dies to nothing . No noise apart from clicking sometimes.
When the car is switched off and restarted it sometimes comes on for 30 seconds .
I know I need a blend motor replacement for the circulation flaps but dont know why this has now happened .