Forum stuff

15 Apr 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
OK, i just looked at the forum information at the bottom of the main screen.

39984 registered users.

Newest user is 40132 elisa.

So what happened to the 148 users in between? Why have their accounts been deleted? Would it not be worth admin tidying up the accounts every once in a while and bulk deleting? I mean, looking at the user lists, a vast minority have zero posts to their names. I'm sure it would do no harm to delete some of the oldest accounts, most people would expect this when they havent visited a website in donkeys years.

Its all very well being able to say "we have 40,000+ users on our site" when most of them only registered for the sake of it and last visited in 2003!
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Do not question the wisdom of or you and your profile will be eliminated.
I've just been looking around and I cant seem to be able to find the forum user list! :eek: I'm sure i've seen it before . . . It was round here somewhere . .


most of the deleted accounts will be spammers (we have had a lot)
crafty1289 said:
I've just been looking around and I cant seem to be able to find the forum user list! :eek: I'm sure i've seen it before . . . It was round here somewhere . .


look under the settee.
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If you look on the bottom of your profile screen there is an option "Cancel my membership completely " which may have some bearing on the subject.

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