France High Speed Rail Sabotage

2 Mar 2020
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United Kingdom
The high speed lines to Paris have been sabotaged. Fires. May be possible to repair over the weekend. Meanwhile they need to route onto none high speed tracks. This even effects Eurostar. So far no idea what group did it.
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It's effectively cut off all of the high speed links to Paris. As such described as a military style operation as it seems all cut at the same time and wide apart. Seems to me that anyone with a bit of nous could decide to do that.

Current theory looks to be an external actor. Some evil power. UK pundit suggests they hired local crooks to do it. She mentioned something about the incendiary devices used but nothing clear really.
They seem to be blaming it on the Russians
Then again, it always seems to be the Russians.
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Currently - last night they aren't at all sure. It could be just political ie local. It seems they managed to interfere with one attempt. They expect a decision on why and how shortly.

Some pundits did go Russians under the bed immediately. or inferred similar.
Any evidence to say different or are you just posting yer usual waffle ???

Plus there were question marks in the post and the word may be

This is a question mark ? I assume you know the meaning of it ??? ( that’s a question hence the ?)
No evidence for your theory, just wishful thinking
It seems a drunken Russian travelling there made some odd noises on the way. He has something to do with a restaurant in Paris. No more mention so probably had nothing to do with it.

Also mention of another EU's country's security services developing an interest in someone and steps taken.

May as well wait for an official report.
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