French DIY forum!!

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I wouldn't claim that my French was even passable, but isn't that thread all about perpetual motion?

Mind you, I did like this post in it:

Imaginez un etre humain qui s'autoalimente:

il bois sa ****e
il mange sa merde

Ils sont ces pratiques Allemandes!
Yes it way, if you noticed it was in the science section, and 'auto alimentation' means 'automatic movement', which could quite easily translate to perpetual motion.
Alimentation is to do with food, as in "alimentary canal", one of those latin-derived words (alimenta in Italian, if I recall :D )

So, what the guy is saying is "Imagine there is a human who self-feeds, they would drink their **** and eat their ****"

I don't know what self-feeding would have to do with relay switches, it is probably lost in translation!

Ils sont ces pratiques Allemandes!

Bien sur! :p

Simon, might be worth going through there and seeing if you can find any references to UK wiring systems, and what they think of our superior electrics ;)
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AdamW said:
Alimentation is to do with food, as in "alimentary canal", one of those latin-derived words (alimenta in Italian, if I recall :D )

So, what the guy is saying is "Imagine there is a human who self-feeds, they would drink their **** and eat their ****"
Yup - as I said, it's those German practices.... ;)

I don't know what self-feeding would have to do with relay switches, it is probably lost in translation!
I wonder if it's that technique of supplying the coil via the contacts, so that when you momentarily energise the coil, the relay latches on, and stays on until you momentarily de-energise it?
ban-all-sheds said:
I wonder if it's that technique of supplying the coil via the contacts, so that when you momentarily energise the coil, the relay latches on, and stays on until you momentarily de-energise it?

Eh? You really don't know much about french electrics do you!

If you can't do it with your right hand by twisting the wires together and sticking it with tape, whilst twiddling your moustache with your left hand then it won't pass the regs over there. And don't get me started on what happens if you show up for work without your string of onions round your neck... :eek:

Honestly, they think a duck says "coin!". Coin for crying out loud! If you think a duck doesn't say "quack", then you must be a nutter. Quod Erat Demonstrandum, they are all completely fruitcake and cannot be trusted with electricity. :LOL:

(Note: I do actually speak French quite well, have a few French friends and do understand that "coin" is pronounced "kwah" by those fruitcake Francs. ;) )
I have registered there to try and find out how an auto-alimentation relay works for multi-switching lighting - see other thread - but for some reason although it has accepted my details, sent me a password which I have entered correctly, it won't let me post. Think I'll get my missus onto it.

She has a degree in French.....but not in French Electrics.

My post went something like

Salut tout le monde!

Je suis electricien Anglaise. Parlez-vous anglais?

Then I was stuck cos I don't have enough savoir-faire to delve into the ins and outs of a-a in french!
Just type slowly and loudly, they will understand
OK, you mean


Think about the Monty Python sketch, "How to speak foreign"... just speak English, but more slowly and loudly. :D
Gaw, blimey, luvva duck!

If you want a job doing, don't ask the missus, she'll forget. Do it yourself! I have now posted myself on the French forum about the relay and see if any gallic personage takes pity on a brit.
Just had another look on GallicForum.

Now, what would you say was close to a frenchman's heart? Food, Wine? Les filles?

According to my flicking through, here's the most popular topics:

In order of number of pages:

pages views replies topic

347 129633 13868 Cinema

420 145081 16769 Palestine

613 291055 24494 Exhaust emissions (??)

4800 1683048 191969 Football

5332 839569 213266 Motorbike Racing

You thought you knew the french, huh?
AdamW said:
Think about the Monty Python sketch, "How to speak foreign"... just speak English, but more slowly and loudly. :D
I was on a trip to France last year, and one of our party decided that the thing to do was to speak English, but with a heavy " 'Allo 'allo" French accent.

Unsurprisingly this didn't work very well.....
Here are the helpful replies from our friends across the channel.

Mind you, they are only helpful if you want to do what I am doing AND you can speak french!!

PS ADAM - your mate coin-coin is in there!!

Posté le 04-06-2004 à 17:16:14

Bonjour tout le monde !

Je suis un électricien d'Angleterre qui a visité la France beaucoup de fois. Je voudrais découvrir plus au sujet du système électrique vos électriciens que l'utilisation donnent des positions de commutation multiples pour la même lumière. Je devine que vous utilisez un relais avec des boutons de poussée pour activer la lumière ? N'importe quel commutateur en n'importe quelle position peut arrêter la lumière dessus ou. Y en a-t-il qui peut m'aider à identifier le relais et à établir un schéma de circuit est-ce qu'ainsi je peux recréer le système dans ma maison en Angleterre ? Je voudrais actionner une lumière à partir du relais (100W @ 230V), avec deux commutateurs de bouton de poussée. Je ne savent pas si les commutateurs dans votre système fonctionnent à 230V ou à moins, mais, idéalement, je voudrais courir les commutateurs à 24V pour la sûreté.

Merci beaucoup.

Je parle français un petit peu, ainsi pardonnez toutes les erreurs grammaticales !

ça dépend ça dépasse Posté le 04-06-2004 à 18:57:46 securespark a écrit :

Je parle français un petit peu, ainsi pardonnez toutes les erreurs grammaticales !

Tu parles déjà bien mieux que certains sur ce forum

En tout cas ,je peux pas t'aider, mais j'espere que quelqu'un le pourra.

Bonne chance

gniiiiiiii Posté le 04-06-2004 à 19:05:31

Hello !
Je ne suis pas certain de bien comprendre ce que tu désires, n'hésites pas à aussi formuler ta demande en anglais, certains participants comprennent aussi cette langue !
Si j'ai le temps j'essayerai de poser ta question à mon père, il devrait pouvoir y répondre

Posté le 04-06-2004 à 19:14:56

securespark a écrit :

Bonjour tout le monde !

Je suis un électricien d'Angleterre qui a visité la France beaucoup de fois. Je voudrais découvrir plus au sujet du système électrique vos électriciens que l'utilisation donnent des positions de commutation multiples pour la même lumière. Je devine que vous utilisez un relais avec des boutons de poussée pour activer la lumière ? N'importe quel commutateur en n'importe quelle position peut arrêter la lumière dessus ou. Y en a-t-il qui peut m'aider à identifier le relais et à établir un schéma de circuit est-ce qu'ainsi je peux recréer le système dans ma maison en Angleterre ? Je voudrais actionner une lumière à partir du relais (100W @ 230V), avec deux commutateurs de bouton de poussée. Je ne savent pas si les commutateurs dans votre système fonctionnent à 230V ou à moins, mais, idéalement, je voudrais courir les commutateurs à 24V pour la sûreté.

Merci beaucoup.

Je parle français un petit peu, ainsi pardonnez toutes les erreurs grammaticales !

J'aimerais bien te répondre en Anglais, mais je suis trop nul:
On appelle le relai un télérupteur c'est très courant:
une impulsion allumage
une impulsion extinction
On les trouve avec bobine 12, 24, 48 etc 220v
Fait une recherche avec Google: télérupteur,
et tu trouve entre autres:

--Message édité par gira le 04-06-2004 à 19:17:20--

Don't drink and fly

Posté le 04-06-2004 à 19:19:51

HFR ça commence à devenir worldwide

securespark Posté le 05-06-2004 à 01:27:48

Salut Nicool et tout le monde!

Merci bien pour toutes les reponses. Thank you. It is very kind of you all to help a British electrician who is having difficulty. And you say very nice things about my French.

OK, I will try and tell you all my problem "en Anglais"...

I have seen your lighting systems where there are many push-button switches that control the same light.

Pushing any of the switches makes the light go on or off:

gira a ecrit: une impulsion allumage une impulsion extinction

- this is exactly what I need: pressing the switches will alternately energise and de-energise the coil.

My friend from Paris - Gerard - told me it is called "Auto-alimentation".I don't know what that means exactly.

So, I need a relay that will switch 230V lighting (maximum 400W)using a 24V control voltage, with two push-button switches.

Many thanks in anticipation of your kind replies.

Nicool I hope your father's english is good!

Merci beaucoup encore.


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