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13 Sep 2010
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Wrong side of The Channel
United Kingdom
We used the ballot box to sack The EU. The French look like they're doing it their own way. Appears that all over Europe, the people are rejecting The EU elites that the libertards on here slavishly support.

Looks like we're getting out just in time.

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I thought it was the fact they dont like Macron.

He spent €26,000 in 3 months on makeup.

What a namby pamby

Or spoilt elitest tw*t :ROFLMAO:
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PS. Nothing to do with being in the EU, please don't spread false information, thanks..
Mods: We love that type of false information!

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The riots do have something to do with the EU

The European Central Bank has slowed / stopped QE resulting in the economy slowing down in France.

The French riots are encouraging Italy to increase action against the EU.

I expect the whole EU will collapse before the end of the month :ROFLMAO:
Gosh Notch, that is funny. Any more nuggets?
That's as funny as notchy gets...

Of course when he realises he's actually been shown up to be a laughing stock (yet again), he'll lock/delete the topic...

Very sad, and I fear that he has an untreatable condition...

Even 'regeneration' tends only to hold the symptoms at bay for a while, but they always resurface!
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