Front Fogs

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
What really p*sses me off is W*NKERS that use front fogs in normal driving conditions.

It seems to be "cool" to do this, esp if you only have sidelights on.


Don't these Bozos know the H C??
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Simon, you have touched upon one of my top 5 pet hates here.

It is so well known that I hate this that a friend of mine who likes to use them when driving on twisty unlit country lanes to help him see the corners (which even I think would be an acceptable use) apologises to me when turning them on!

When I have someone behind me with them on, I often turn on my rear fogs. The amazing thing is that only once has someone ever realised what I am getting at and turned them off. Lots of people flash, and on motorways they will even pull alongside and try to let you know you have left the fogs on!

And if you flash them oncoming, they just flash right back. Bah.

The only reason I can think of is that this is a trend that started with aftermarket modifications. Someone would install a set of front fogs on their car to mimic rally cars (you used to be able to buy the bonnet with 4 big lamps on for a Renault 5!). So, the feeling would be to show off that you have fog lights (lame, yes). Of course now many cars, and almost all "sporty" models, come with them from the factory. However, in my experience you see very few "classy" cars following suit.

So it makes as much sense as me driving around, hanging out of the window shouting at passers-by whilst pointing at my alloy wheels. Although if I open the window, how would people know I have air-conditioning? But if I leave them closed, they won't know I have electric windows... :LOL: I know, I will mimic their behaviour by driving along, continually opening and closing all the windows at once, hanging out the window, shouting "Look at my alloys! Now I'm going back inside to get some cool air-conditioned air", getting back in and closing the windows.

I was watching one of those "Police camera" programmes, and this traffic cop who was a real "I'll nick 'em for doing 31 in a 30 zone" guy pulled this Ferrari driving with front fogs on. I mean, of all the cars you could have... Anyway, the guy got some kind of official warning or a ticket for it.
I partly blame whatever it was that made car manufacturers change from fitting driving lamps to front fogs. Whether that was the mfrs themselves or eu leg. or what I don't know. But I do know that they used to fit driving lamps instead of or add to front fogs.

I also blame legislation for making it possible.

Years ago, you could not switch on front or rear fogs without the headlights on. And for driving lamps to illuminate, the main beam had to be on. But not now. On my Octavia, you can't have rear fogs without front ones too......and they come on with only sidelights lit...
Front fogs are bad...

Rear fogs are my gripe!!!

Oh it's raining, I shall put on my 'Fog' lights...

NO!!! Fog means fog, not rain - which means you now have to cope with reduced visibility and being dazzled.

Or driving through a patch of fog, turning on rear fog light, then leaving on... for the next fortnight!

Some cars will reset the fog light once the lights or ignition have been switched off, which prevents this. Simple but effective, much like myself :confused:
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People who use front fogs inapropriately are either:

A) Stupid, so won't realise why you're flashing.
B) Ignorant/selfish, so don't care about you.

So I wouldn't bother trying to educate the public, you are wasting your effort!

Neons... :rolleyes:

Stoopid bloody xeon bulbs, I can feel the damage top my retinas as they approach! :cool:

Must stop now... Breath, 1, 2, 3... and relax :LOL:

Blue washer jet leds... :confused:
securespark said:
What really p*sses me off is W*NKERS that use front fogs in normal driving conditions.
What really p*ssed me off is motorbike with high beam headlight instead of normal headlight during the day blinding you.

Sometime I do the same thing in the opposite direction to see how they like it. You can tell they get upset, funny old world isn't it, one rule from them and one for us.
Did you know that blue LEDs (indeed displaying any blue light) on your car is actually illegal? You could be done for impersonating an emergency vehicle. Blue LEDs are a cool thing from a Physics point of view, I love them and as soon as blue diode lasers come down I will be buying a blue laser pointer for work.

OK, so it is unlikely that a battered old Citroen Saxo with front fogs and blue LEDs will be mistaken for a cop car, but hey.

Mildmannered, I think we have finally found your angry button!

I get miffed at xenon lights too, they can be quite dazzling. But my Dad's car has them and it does look cool from the inside when you turn them on and everything goes a blue-tinge. Did you know you can buy multi-colour reflectors that go behind your bulbs to try and simulate the twinkling effect? You'll be seeing them around now!

Making front and rear fogs only come on simultaneously wouldn't work: I have been stuck behind someone on the motorway before who had all fog lights on. Obviously wanted to advertise that he was an idiot but couldn't turn on the front fogs on their own. Then there was the New Mini driver who sat behind me with mainbeams AND fogs, even dipping the mirror didn't help. GRRRRR!
Anyone have, or seen the solar powered cats eyes ?

Have about a mile or so of them on A46 .... first spotted early hours driving home ... noticed string of glowing eyes in rear view .. but no vehicle approaching to light them up!!
Quite uncanny at first ... lights out briefly... Superb! Still have the eyes glowing ..

Anyone remember the big Cibie biode rally spots? like lighthouses.
A friend had a pair in late '70's which dipped with the headlights ...

I last had spots across the bonnet front on my 1071 Cooper S in '70's.... that was cool then !! Only came on with main head beams, big shock from full lighting to dipped !! Ah those unforgettable motoring days (cost a bl - -dy fortune !!)
Still have the pukka ring bound BL Workshop manual and the same for the Healy which followed the S !!
i wonder if the cats eyes you are refing to are the ones that are supposed to turn blue in cold weather ( seriously)
They did not turn blue .... used to commute the route .. all weathers ... Sounds a good idea tho'.
Strangely reassuring to see that strip of lights, both ahead and behind.
There is a short section, on a bend, where the road edge is defined with appropriately coloured solar power cats eyes.

The A322 from Bracknell to the M3 has a choice of these cats eyes, Red,Green,Yellow and White on a short stretch of it and very attractive they are, see them from far away.
They were not on the Bracknell road last year...unless that was when I partook of a little microsleep!!

The A46. Is that the road that links M5 & 40 or the lincoln/leicester road?

The bit near M40 I have driven on but have not noticed either. I'm either asleep or not at all observant......

The other big thing that p*sses me off big time is those electric/petrol scooters. No licence, no insurance, no MOT, no tax... Pain for rozzers, too.
They are on the zig zag bend about a mile before you get to the M3 near the golf course.
securespark said:
The other big thing that p*sses me off big time is those electric/petrol scooters. No licence, no insurance, no MOT, no tax... Pain for rozzers, too.

Rozzers, were does that originate???

Officer Roscoe P Train???
(Dukes Of Hazzard) :oops:
Scooters? SCOOTERS? Don't get me started on scooters!

I live in a town with a great cycle-lane and pedestrian network, you can walk or cycle anywhere and never have to cross a road. Anyway, mopeds are allowed to ride on the cycle ways. However, it causes me great conflict as I hate them buzzing up and down the lanes when I am walking, but as soon as I come across one on a road I get pi**ed off by being forced to go 20mph in a 40 zone (15mph on some of the bigger hills)!

One solution: raise the moped age to 17, that way there would be no point in anyone having one! :idea:

I wouldn't have thought this would be legal, but I have definitely seen 125cc scooters using the cycle lanes too... Can't be right.

The petrol/electric ones you speak of though, Go-peds I believe. I read that this guy got stopped by the police riding one whilst drunk, they did him for drink driving and took away his licence but of course he could still ride the go-ped perfectly legally! TLC have them in their catalogue too. :LOL:
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