Fuel Again !

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Victoria Aust : 25-08-04 : ULP = £0.41 litre. LPG = £0.15 litre.

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But think about the amount of fuel you would need to keep popping over to fill up.
Just wondering where our 60 million inhabitant's tax dosh is going when a country of 20 million can have 70% of our cost of living ... beautiful games stadia and excellent atheletes etc being turned out, year on year. How can anyone not believe that they will be better in other walks of life too ... logical isn't it ?

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I mentioned Doctors pensions elsewhere ... Just imagine all the civil servants too !! Utter crazy to pay someone £50k and a sight more per annum, then in some cases via non-contributory pension scheme, pay them 2/3 of that plus tax free lump sum to do SFA (retire) probably early.
Retirees should be just that .. not retired Judge or surgeon or civil servant ... Max public funded pension should never be more than the average UK wage ... It should be incumbant upon large earners, from the public purse, to fund extra, above average wage pensions, from their lifelong earnings !!
BTW Doctors now want to be on the 'fines' bandwagon, no mention about waiting hour or so beyond appoinment time for customer !! Our time doesn't matter .. only theirs !!
pipme said:
Just wondering where our 60 million inhabitant's tax dosh is going when a country of 20 million can have 70% of our cost of living ...

Just answer this: who is going to go all the way to Australia to claim asylum? Oz is a beautiful country, friendly people (except when we beat them at sports), but it is much easier to get to England in a lorryload of tomatoes :mad:

Perhaps the difference between Oz and UK is that in the UK, the people who pay taxes are working so hard and stressing so much about the rest of their lives that they aren't thinking about taxes. They are just the thing that rapes the payslip each month. But, call it a stereotype, aren't these Australasian types very much more "No bladdy nonsense, cobber. Explain where all the tax money's being spent!"

Of course a thousand years of steadily-growing bureaucracy probably don't help matters! It is said that a peasant in the Middle Ages had to work 50 days a year to pay their feudal obligations (i.e. tax), yet the average working class Brit now has to work 80 days a year just to pay their income tax. :eek:
fair point aw

but the point of taxes it for the better off in society
he who earns the most should help the most [financialy]
and he who earns less should contribute in
the best way he [or she can] towards the community
without feeling they have done something wrong

big all
Wouldn't a 'tithe' be better ? I read somewhere that if EVERYONE paid a percentage .. lower than current ... of their income, the tax revenue would be several times it's current value.
Why all the complex allowances ( one man's tax relief is another's tax burden) ? Just to perpetuate and extend the role of the accountant ? Yet the ( propoganda ) media can assure us unions, for example, are a bad thing 'restrictive practices' etc ... oh, right .... try practicing as a chartered accountant or lawyer without 'union', sorry, Society approval !!
Self governance ... biggest con ever !!

A tithe sounds a much better idea to me. Preferably tax and NIC all in one. I don't know why they still separate the two out, the government decides how both are spent!

It seems fairer too. I have always thought that forcing higher earners to pay a higher percentage of tax is absolutely barking. :confused:

In fact, if you think about it, if you tax high earners less on their income, they will have more money to spend and will be paying VAT on most of that money... VAT is only 17.5% so the government won't get their big slice, but the money they spend will be boosting the economy directly instead of via tax breaks and other fiddles. Thus that VAT will probably do just as much good as the former income tax!
The problem with reducing taxes for the rich (apart from the fairness) is the money may not come back into the system.

If you reduced income tax by say 10%. the lucky Guy on £5000 a week already has enough so the extra £500 gets invested (usually abroad) whereas the working man on say £400 a week will spend his £40 into the economy and create work in this country.

The reason they don't add tax & NI together is that they couldn't claim to have a low tax rate. Even though it would save fortunes in duplicity.

When this Gov first came to power they said they were going to close the offshore tax loopholes, taking their time for some reason aren't they!
I was looking at a payslip today. It appears that the NI contributions are paid AFTER tax! So we are getting taxed on money we are paying into NI. Now, I know they get their hands on it either way, but it seems wrong.
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