Fuel Consumption and Strange Petrol Pump Noise Issue

20 Jun 2024
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Sri Lanka
Hello everyone,

I own a Chevrolet Beat, and I’ve been facing some issues recently. My car is burning a lot of fuel on short runs. It used to give me around 15 km per liter, but now it’s only about 9 km per liter.

Additionally, I’ve noticed a strange sound coming from the petrol pump when I drive for more than 15 minutes. This noise starts whenever I turn on the headlights, AC, or even when I press the shutter button while the shutter is already up. Basically, any action that consumes electricity causes the petrol pump to make this noise, and it stops as soon as I stop the action.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or have any idea what might be causing this? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
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For now, it's wild guess time!
Bizarre electrical faults are often caused by faulty earth - that is, electrical connections to the car body shell.
Have you had a new battery recently? Do check the condition of the battery terminals for tightness and corrosion.
If you think the vehicle is genuinely running rich, there will be soot in the exhaust tail pipe.....don't rely on the car's computer!
I guess the pump is in the fuel tank - although reliable they do show their age. What mileage do you have?
John :)
Thank you, John.

The current mileage is 120,000. Recently, two things happened: the central locking stopped working, and one of the windows stopped going up, though it still comes down. The battery terminal is fine.
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Two things I'd consider....
The battery condition - have it's capacity checked by a specialist;
At the same time, check that the charging rate from the alternator is sufficient. Many vehicles are so voltage sensitive these days it's best to rule these parameters out.