Galaxy 18 zone problems


10 Jun 2010
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United Kingdom
Hi folks,

I was wondering if anyone's ever had problems with FSL zones on a galaxy 18?
I've just put in some new sensors and done some other bits on the system, new bellbox etc.. and everything appears ok on exiting engineering - keypad returns to the banner ok..
So I full set the system to ensure PIR's would trip and full alarm would go off...however, nothing!!
So I commenced a walk test of all sensors (which are programmed as intruder except one which is entry (magnetic contacts). Half of the zones on the system now don't 'trip' , they aren't recognised by the panel!
I've wired them all up just like before with fsl wiring, two resistors etc.
Now the interesting thing is that the sensors that won't trip do still cause a tamper signal at the panel if opened.
Anyone else ever had this?
Just wondering if I'm wiring in the resistors wrong but I've checked all sensors and the ones that do register on the walk test are wired up the same!
Any ideas folks? I'm left a bit frustrated with this one, never had this problem before and i've put in a few galaxy's at that!

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a thought comes to mind.

incorrect value on resistors ?

1k + 1k

you can check the resitance of all circuits following the following;

enter engineering mode
goto (using A key) to display
goto (using A key) to display zones
press ent
then on the zones you are having problems with
presds the # key
this will give you tghe circuit resistance (between 1010 ohm closed to 2020 ohm open)

if it is higher on closed and open you have a problem.

open = circuit active ie door open/detector active
closed = the opposite of the above

try the above and get back to us, i am sure we can sort it out

Hi, thanks for the advice. I'm going to have a look at the system tomorrow and follow your advice about looking into the zone resistance...

I'll let you know what I find!
Many thanks.
Well, what a plonker I am!!
I checked the resistances on the system via the keypad as you suggested and the detectors were all showing in the region of 1020 ohms ...nothing wrong there.
Then I checked the wiring again inside the detectors - what a numpty, I'd only put the 'double twisted' legs of the resistors (where both legs are put into one terminal) and it appears I'd had a bad day, they were in the wrong place!
So the circuit was still active for tamper but useless for reporting an alarm/circuit open!
All sorted now, I think I could make any number of excuses for that but I won't - just a good job I know the folks I've installed for.
Thanks again to oasistechnical for the advice though - good diagnostic tool that I'd really not had much to do with up until now.
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we usually only fit Galaxy.
so i have picked up some tricks over the years,
also having worked for a large national that only fit galaxy also helps,
i dont know it all about them, but if i dont i jaut call one of my mates who still works for them!!

glad you got it sorted

if you need any further advice, just post it


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