Hi there. Sorry for the long post ahead.
In my house I have a menvier ts790+ house alarm for the house and garage. I also have a galaxy 504 for an external building.
I fitted the menvier 6 years ago and fitted the galaxy 1 year ago.
I did this because I wanted separate alarms for both buildings. However, I want to swap out both panels and replace them with either a newer galaxy or a texecom premier elite 48.
I will want 3 areas (house, garage, external building) and I want the area for the external building to be completely independant from the house area and garage area.
The house and garage will be the only areas that trigger the bellbox and I want the internal speaker in the house to give a warning tone if the external building is in alarm.
If the external building is in alarm, there needs to be an output just for the sounder in that area and I want the keypad to only work for that area, whereas house and garage keypads have full access rights to all areas.
A full set option would also be needed to set all areas at once, or whichever areas aren't set.
A GSM/IP module would be nice too.
So which panel would be best?
In my house I have a menvier ts790+ house alarm for the house and garage. I also have a galaxy 504 for an external building.
I fitted the menvier 6 years ago and fitted the galaxy 1 year ago.
I did this because I wanted separate alarms for both buildings. However, I want to swap out both panels and replace them with either a newer galaxy or a texecom premier elite 48.
I will want 3 areas (house, garage, external building) and I want the area for the external building to be completely independant from the house area and garage area.
The house and garage will be the only areas that trigger the bellbox and I want the internal speaker in the house to give a warning tone if the external building is in alarm.
If the external building is in alarm, there needs to be an output just for the sounder in that area and I want the keypad to only work for that area, whereas house and garage keypads have full access rights to all areas.
A full set option would also be needed to set all areas at once, or whichever areas aren't set.
A GSM/IP module would be nice too.
So which panel would be best?