Garage/Utility Room Circuit.

24 Mar 2008
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

I had added a circuit into my garage which will provide sockets for a washing machine, tumble dryer, freezer, a few other low power items (ni-mh battery charger, stereo) and the occasional use of power tools.

I originally made this a ring working from the MCB.

Following some reworking by local builders (spanish) new walls etc, they have also added some extra sockets, and twice in 2 days the earth trip has triggered.

This appears to happen when the circuit is under heavy load (washer and dryer both on, or washer and circular saw.)

Upon inspection of their work, they appear to have taken the return feed for the ring and used it to extend the system to the new sockets, hense 1 long spur i think.

Would this be the cause of the earth problem ? and should I fit a new return to complete the ring once again ?

Many thanks for your help, suggestions
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Length of spur will not be the cause imo. Are you sure its the RCD thats tripping?
Thanks for the quick reply.

It appears to be what I believe is the earth RCD, the one with the test button, which is labeled as 40A - 30mA.

BTW, the cables are all in surface trunking so its easy for me to check things.
Think you'd be better off posting this on "Electrics outside UK" forum.

As far as i know the use of ring final circuits is not recognised in Spain.
Its all radials - you may have issues getting it signed off (if that is what they do in Sangrialand).
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thanks Taylor, I'll post it in the alternative forum too, just wondered if it would be the cause of the problem, or if I may have a different issue which just happened to show itself at the time of this change.

as you can tell, I don't know enough to rule it out at this stage, but don't want to complain or make an issue about quality of work, if its not the cause of the problem.

Over here one possible cause could be if they have have put a neutral on the wrong side of the board. but thats on UK split load boards.

Spanish boards I have seen have double pole breakers so the neutrals shouldnt be mixed up.