I've got a bit of a problem with my meter box, the local idiots have been using it as target bractice, kicking it off the wall every so often. first couple of times it popped off without any real damage but now it's destroyed, even the holes it attached onto the back platre with are gone.
I've found a replacement for a reasonable sum. Was told b a scottish gas networks guy they would want over a hundred quid to supply and fit it. Was also told I cant get the meter moved indoors as they dont make the regulator / governor that would allow that now, due to having a medium pressure supply.
Do i need to get the box form scottish gas networks folk, since the back plate needs replaced, or can i just get any gas safe engineer out to do that?
Since i cant get the box moved realistically, i'm also looking at a metal frame around the box, leaving the front open for acess, but stopping the idiots kicking it sideways off the wall. would that be allowed?
thanks for any advice
I've got a bit of a problem with my meter box, the local idiots have been using it as target bractice, kicking it off the wall every so often. first couple of times it popped off without any real damage but now it's destroyed, even the holes it attached onto the back platre with are gone.
I've found a replacement for a reasonable sum. Was told b a scottish gas networks guy they would want over a hundred quid to supply and fit it. Was also told I cant get the meter moved indoors as they dont make the regulator / governor that would allow that now, due to having a medium pressure supply.
Do i need to get the box form scottish gas networks folk, since the back plate needs replaced, or can i just get any gas safe engineer out to do that?
Since i cant get the box moved realistically, i'm also looking at a metal frame around the box, leaving the front open for acess, but stopping the idiots kicking it sideways off the wall. would that be allowed?
thanks for any advice