Its a balance of Cost vs Neccessity.
1) Water is a basic requirement of life, there is not always a viable alternative to mains water (not everybody has access to a well) tanker deliveries of water would not be too sensible unless you could treat and chill the water to prevent bacteriological/microbial development. Therefore there is a good case for laying miles of water main.
2) Electricity, whilst not a basic requirement of life, is classed as essential because without it a lot of things you do wouldn't function (lights, TV, computer etc). Cables are easier to install than a pipeline due to available lengths of cable on coils, ability to install overhead/overland (on poles) quickly etc
3) Heat is probably more essential than electricity but can be provided in other ways ie electricity, but more traditionally coal, oil, wood and more recently tank gas - which were, and still are widely used in rural areas. It would not be cost effective to lay gas mains down miles of roads to feed a few isolated dwellings.