Soldering has become much harder, normally doing 15mm and 22mm Yorkshire fittings around the house has gone fine. suddenly things have got a little harder, connecting 35mm straight connector to 35-28mm reducer to 28mm straight connector with 15mm T to 28mm 90 then another very close. The whole lot crammed together in about 250mm all with end feed fittings. Grown up soldering! My attempt was not a pretty sight. Things got very hot and nasty with burnt flux and the joints wouldn't run.. I changed the gas on my blow torch for map gas bloody hell that go hot! I have pulled it out and I'll have another crack at it tomorrow. I am now in post disaster trauma and have had to go into severe Boddington therapy. Are there any plumbers out there that can give me clue. I promise never to say anything bad about plumbers again. A frustrated chippy.