Having now waited for a couple of weeks for my wholesaler to supply all the grid switches I needed engraving AND supplied them with my requirements
I discovered at 3pm this afternoon as the last of the light was fadeing away that the GET dimmer modules they had supplied are not actually capable of diming LED lights!!!
After having used as much ungentlemanly language as neccessary i find myself in need of your folks broad knowledge
Do GET (or Schneider) make a grid module that is capable of diming LED lights?
I have had a shufty on the web but to no avail
I discovered at 3pm this afternoon as the last of the light was fadeing away that the GET dimmer modules they had supplied are not actually capable of diming LED lights!!!
After having used as much ungentlemanly language as neccessary i find myself in need of your folks broad knowledge
Do GET (or Schneider) make a grid module that is capable of diming LED lights?
I have had a shufty on the web but to no avail