give a girl a lift

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
i was got to pop to the shop on my push bike when the young girl ask for a lift on me cross bar, well i was very please as she is 17 but a bit plump
my missus spot her clime aboard and shouted that it was againest the law to get a girl on your cross bar, but i have my douths :oops: ;) give us a clue
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It is illegal to carry a passenger on a bike not designed or adapted to carry one. The necessary adaptation includes something to sit on and somewhere for them to put their hands and feet. Whether or not you consider a crossbar to be a seat, a passenger should not hold the handlebars - because two people cannot steer the same bike - and there would have been no footrests. Your 'missus' was right.

PS: Way back in my student days I cadged a lift on a bike. I sat on a rear carrier, held onto the saddle springs and put my feet on extended rear wheel nuts. It was legal but only just!
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The old joke was getting the girl to sit on your crossbar,"but you don't have a bike?" :D :LOL:
send her round to young Crafty Steve.
But remind her to check he hasn't removed the stabilisers from his bike before she trusts his cross bar.................
..or to old crafty John for a bit of an education. ;)
..or to old crafty John for a bit of an education. ;)

or bikini wax?

Billyo, I reckon your missus was just jealous, in case you take a shine to her and start poking the porker.
Deluks.i think you could be rigth because when i said that girl would look good with a bit of make up, :) my other half quoted ,it would be like putting lipstick on a pig :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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