We’ve got this glass atrium in our house roof. Its nice cos it lets the sun into the hall. Although it is supposed to be self cleaning, its getting really grubby so ive been trying to get someone to come and clean it. It would probably mean getting a ladder up to the roof and another on the roof to the very top. Its a detached 2 storey house and you cant actually see the atrium from ground level as it is recessed in the top of the roof.
Nobody wants to come and do it cos of health and safety. One guy just replied to me that what i am suggesting is completely out the question and regulations no longer allow this practice and the only way to get it done would be to build scaffolding which would be at least £1500. Is this true? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I have half a mind to go up in the attic and cut a hole in the roof and climb out!! Seriously, If anyone knows any one in Essex that could clean it for me at a reasonale rate, could you please let me know. Thanks
Nobody wants to come and do it cos of health and safety. One guy just replied to me that what i am suggesting is completely out the question and regulations no longer allow this practice and the only way to get it done would be to build scaffolding which would be at least £1500. Is this true? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I have half a mind to go up in the attic and cut a hole in the roof and climb out!! Seriously, If anyone knows any one in Essex that could clean it for me at a reasonale rate, could you please let me know. Thanks