I have a hw problem with a Glen Dimplex Combi 30 NG .When the hw is running and giving hw the ch light flickers then the hw light goes out and the ch light comes on,Then the ch light goes off and the hw light comes back on.This is causing hw fluctuating temperatures .My thought was the flow turbine /aqua sensor but why does the boiler go to ch mode with the light on like there is ch demand .Also the ch works fine and the hw overides the ch when that is running but still with the same problem GC 47 149 02 serial number 44444 044 500 601 4A1109
I have a hw problem with a Glen Dimplex Combi 30 NG .When the hw is running and giving hw the ch light flickers then the hw light goes out and the ch light comes on,Then the ch light goes off and the hw light comes back on.This is causing hw fluctuating temperatures .My thought was the flow turbine /aqua sensor but why does the boiler go to ch mode with the light on like there is ch demand .Also the ch works fine and the hw overides the ch when that is running but still with the same problem GC 47 149 02 serial number 44444 044 500 601 4A1109