So, after draining my system to change a radiator valve and refilling it, we had LOTS of banging and clanging yesterday.
That gradually subsided over the day and we had a nice warm house.
This morning, the fan was running on the boiler but it wasn't firing. Another person on here mentioned they had the same problem and that a light bang on the side of the boiler made the ignition fire and the boiler light. I tried the same and got the same result. It takes a very light slap on the right hand side to immediately get a spark and a flame.
I suspect this might be a dodgy air flow sensor?
Also, there are clouds of steam coming out of the flue. It's not that cold here this morning and I've never noticed it before.
Anyone have any thoughts?
So, after draining my system to change a radiator valve and refilling it, we had LOTS of banging and clanging yesterday.
That gradually subsided over the day and we had a nice warm house.
This morning, the fan was running on the boiler but it wasn't firing. Another person on here mentioned they had the same problem and that a light bang on the side of the boiler made the ignition fire and the boiler light. I tried the same and got the same result. It takes a very light slap on the right hand side to immediately get a spark and a flame.
I suspect this might be a dodgy air flow sensor?
Also, there are clouds of steam coming out of the flue. It's not that cold here this morning and I've never noticed it before.
Anyone have any thoughts?