Going through hypnosis to get rid of a phobia

12 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom
Good Morning folks

I have a phobia which I would like to get rid of by going through a hypnosis session.

Has anyone gone through hypnosis before? What does it feel like? Does the hypnotist ask you very personal questions - ones that he/she wouldn't ask you in normal circumstances and how would I know hat everything is kept confidential?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
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Geek, every post you put up is doom and gloom. It seems your life could do with a bit of luck.

I can't comment on hypnosis but I make videos for a living

A few years ago I videoed a psychologist work with a girl who was terrified of spiders
He sat with her for three hours and talked, gradually getting her to touch a glass tank, then put her hand inside, after the three hours she was allowing the spiders to crawl on her hands and arm
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They'll only ask you personal question if it relates to the problem, as that's all they are interested in dealing with. You actually go through a hypnotic state twice a day, just as you're dropping off, and when waking up, so it's a totally natural process. You could liken it to getting you to go, to sleep, but making sure you sort of stay awake at the same time. This lets them get past your conscious mind that causes the issues, and lets them tap into your subconscious where the issues are stored. Then they'll talk to you about it, and give you a way of letting go of it.

With smokers, they don't tell you to stop smoking, they find out why you smoke, and when that goes, the desire to stop smoking goes.

But you've got to find one that you feel comfortable with, or you won't trust the process.
Concentrate. Concentrate. Con. cen. trate.

Now when I count to three you wil stop asking stupid questions.

Well in these times u need to make sure u are not subjected to some type of abuse ;)

just saying ;)

best to take a 3rd party with you ;)
My Son went to see a highly recommended psycho therapist to help stop smoking.
She asked him to imagine being in a place where he was the happiest he could remember .
That was 15 years ago and he's not had a fag since.
Dentist I used to go to a good while back ,chinese fella he got struck off and banged up for 6 or 8 months for interfering with patients :eek: he never had a nurse with him ?????????

don't recall him interfering with me though ?? but various people made complaints & that was that , which was all well and good , but I then had to find another dentist , at some expense to my self I might hasten to add ;)

No one aplogised to me about this , no one said sorry transam we have now banged up your dentist so fox trot oscar and find another one . nope nothing :eek: not even an offer of compensation tbh . I was a victim an innocent victim of crime :)
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