good intentions ?

9 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
thought i would go to a big diy store last night to get some internal doors,my reasoning was if i did it before the weekend i would miss the mass exodus that normally happens on bank of i go after folding down the back seats etc...gets there and the said doors are £34 prepainted for 27" width,pays for them and departs,on the way home decides to have a fag and saw 30" written on the packet :mad: so quick u-turn and gets back to the store.i then find out that the 30"doors are only £24 :eek: an extre 3" of wood costs £10 less. :confused: probably something to do with 27" being an uncommon size?dunno.i have enough trouble hanging out the washing so doing 2 doors with rising hinges should be a laugh.might invite my parents round for tea and suggest that its cold with no doors.oh well no forum for 2 days. ;)
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Rising effing butts !! every door has 'em here, plus a hardwood wedge each to stop the damn things following you through the aperture ... :D :D :D
Be a bu##er if you have to start, closed, from an inch or so gap under door to enable floor clearance fully open and en route to that ...

:D :D :D :D :D
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