good smoothie recipes please?

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
I just bought a smoothie maker after several weeks enjoying shop bought smoothie drinks from the supermarket..

here's me thinking...
"they taste great, and fruit is good for you.. but they're expensive, i'll make my own... "

so after buying loads of fruit and an hour or so experementing, i can't get anything that tastes good...


I need your recipes for good tasting smoothies please..
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unfortunatly most contain lots of sugars often hidden as "toses"like fructose dextrose sucrose ect so you could try sweetners if you dont want to add sugar

often the fruit matches you see in smothies wont work without added sugar
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Here is good energy recipe

You will need

I have used apple juice but you can use any juice,

Get natural bio yogurt plain or flavoured, drop in 2 large desert spoons
2 bananas
100ml juice

Blend to bits

Gives you a real lift and tastes great
Bottle of JD, Bottle of rum (white) bottle of gin, half a bottle of sherry, bottle of scotch, one grape (peeled) and an ice cube..