
  • Thread starter Soggy_weetabix
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For the love of god..... it really hurts.

I drink on average a bottle of wine a night
I eat red meat.

So, I guess I had it coming! But really, Id rather amputate my foot than have this pain for another day!

Ive researched it on the interwebby thing and now:
boiled cabbage and brown rice. yum :mad:
no wine
no red meat or offal
no deep green veg
in fact... nothing that tastes good.

Doctor warned me of it a year ago so I aint feeling sorry for myself, just never ever thought it would hurt like this :eek: Im not into man made pain killers to temprarily cure it, so Ill stick to food thats advised, give up my wine / fags and generally live the life of a nun and hope it goes as quickly as it came.

For anyone who has had mild symptoms..... dont ignore it!

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Big toe I think I could deal with.

2 Broken ankles in the past (not sure if thats relevent) so its manifested in the left one.

Right, time for a top up and a smoke...


Thanks for info though. Just giving the chainsaw a longing look.

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you have my sympathy.

A good friend of mine (an ex butcher) was known to have steak for breakfast and liked his vino. He was in utter agony for a long time with his gout. He's a big lad, but it crippled him :cry:
you have my sympathy.

A good friend of mine (an ex butcher) was known to have steak for breakfast and liked his vino. He was in utter agony for a long time with his gout. He's a big lad, but it crippled him :cry:
There ya go ya see, nowt to worry about! :eek:
There ya go ya see, nowt to worry about!

LOL... wasn't trying to scare him, just sympathize.

He was the ultimate carnivore to be fair, and I guess the wine and Guiness didn't do him any favours either :eek:
you have my sympathy.

A good friend of mine (an ex butcher) was known to have steak for breakfast and liked his vino. He was in utter agony for a long time with his gout. He's a big lad, but it crippled him :cry:
There ya go ya see, nowt to worry about! :eek:

Im glad box is looking on the brightside! If we score tomorrow, Ill be the only one sat down with a crutch sporting a straw boater. 21 hours with no nicotine and a full bottle of red just staring at me.

At these desperate moments... I have sardines on toast - but no bl.oo.dy fish allowed.

God, im tempted to fill in the next tax return. Maybe that pain will null the grapefruit based at the bottom of my left leg :?:
I must admit though, the doc did advise me (due to diet and red wine consumption) this was 'in the post'

I literally live on red meat, offal, and red wine. My wife dont like this :eek:

As I said I make no bones about it, but the horror stories... erm story of boxcleva friend does leave me with a sense of terror. Im now over 60 hours with no kip! Anyway, if I keep to this brown rice, 2lb of fruit a day and almonds I hope to be mobile in a week or so :)
5 Litres of bottled water a day! Gawd!

Why bottled?

5l seems a lot...I am advised with my diet to drink around 7 pints of water a day & I sometimes struggle with that, but that's nearly 9 pints... :vomit:

I should say that my mate is absolutely fine now, other than being diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes. His gout is fine ;)
I've had gout, and it's real agony which is hard to believe until experienced. It's not the worst pain I've had, but the enduring nastiness of the inflammation is nearly unbearable.

Indomethacin is the usual first drug to use (understand I'm not giving medical advice). The relief is extraordinary.
Why bottled?

5l seems a lot...I am advised with my diet to drink around 7 pints of water a day & I sometimes struggle with that, but that's nearly 9 pints... :vomit:

I was incorrect in my posting there. It 5 pints and 'bottled' contains less iron apparently :eek:

I musta gone all 'euro-metric' last night :eek:
i suffer from it and im only 28 i get it in my knees and toes and its not good i changed my diet and have not had any symptoms for 12 months :D
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