Grandad, have you been for a wee or a poo?

10 May 2006
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United Kingdom
Has anyone else ever been asked this by their 3 yr old grandson? Just after walking back into a room full of people. :LOL: :LOL:
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well, he wanted to know so he asked, if only we could all be so direct later in life, it would save a lot of hassle,
weans are great, if its important to them it is important if it isnt important they ignore it, i remember a woman telling us about her 5yr old grandson after his first day at school, she asked him who his new friends were etc, he listed some names and said a foreign sounding name (to her anyway) she said "is that a girl or a boy" the grandson was like "GRAN, its a girl " in a "are you stupid" kinda way, she then made thigs worse by asking "is she black or white" to which the grandson said "i dont know, i will look tomorrow" ah the innocence of youth
Reminds me of my sons first day at school:

Nun, hello and what is your name
Son, Chris,
Num: Thats a nice name and what is the rest of your name
Son: eyes slightly squinted replied. Topher.
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Sister was on a bus ages ago, heard a little girl talking to her mother;- 'Oh Mummy for sucks fake!'
They pick up stuff really quickly only its not always what you'd like them to :mrgreen:
Has anyone else ever been asked this by their 3 yr old grandson? Just after walking back into a room full of people. :LOL: :LOL:
No but while lying in a relaxed manner on the sofa watching Shrek 3 with my 4 year old grandaughter, she suddenly turned to me & asked “grandad have you got a baby in your tummy” :confused:

I really must loose a little weight :rolleyes:
Has anyone else ever been asked this by their 3 yr old grandson? Just after walking back into a room full of people. :LOL: :LOL:
No but while lying in a relaxed manner on the sofa watching Shrek 3 with my 4 year old grandaughter, she suddenly turned to me & asked “grandad have you got a baby in your tummy” :confused:

I really must loose a little weight :rolleyes:

Loose weight, means a lot, lose weight, a bit? Nautical term?
Has anyone else ever been asked this by their 3 yr old grandson? Just after walking back into a room full of people. :LOL: :LOL:
No but while lying in a relaxed manner on the sofa watching Shrek 3 with my 4 year old grandaughter, she suddenly turned to me & asked “grandad have you got a baby in your tummy” :confused:

I really must loose a little weight :rolleyes:

Loose weight, means a lot, lose weight, a bit? Nautical term?
Well you lost me with that one :?:
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